Saturday, October 8, 2011

Centric Telecom Examines The Costs of Not Having a High Quality ...

Last updated 45 minutes ago

Growing your business to the point of needing multiple offices requires hard work and dedication. Keeping those offices in contact with each other, however, only requires uniform communication systems. In fact, the costs of not having those uniform systems and processes in place are often more than monetary:

  • Monetary Costs: Lacking a uniform communication system between your locations costs you money in the long run. The more your employees have to work to get the systems to agree with each other, the less they are working to help your business grow.


  • Efficiency Costs: When employees at one office need to get information from the other location, having to fight with a system in order to get it doesn?t help anybody. If having a uniform communication system saves your employees just 30 minutes a week, then they will save more than 750 hours in an average year.


  • Morale Cost: Fighting with the very technology meant to make our jobs easier can cause severe morale problems in the office. When your business has multiple locations, it can create an ?us versus them? mentality and can lead to one location being far less helpful to the other.

Having a uniform telecommunication system in place for your voice and data communications between all of your business? locations can solve every one of these problems. To get help creating the system that?s best for your business, call Centric Telecom at (877) 379-9530. From modern solutions like Voice over IP to traditional telephone systems that support upwards of 1,000 phones, give us a call to find out how we can help your business communicate more effectively and efficiently.


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