Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thyroid Cancer Survival Rate ? Low or High Rates? | New Health ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Thyroid cancer survival rate is generally high when you compare it with other cancers. It is a cancer but as not as deadly as other illnesses. The standard survival rate of this cancer is actually 95%. That means there is a very high chance for someone to get treated with this cancer. However, you should not stay confident about this condition. It is recommended that you consult a doctor for help to get treated instantly before it becomes malignant. This too gives you a possibility to spend less from buying more medicines or undergoing complicated treatments.

Thyroid cancer is very popular in women than in men. Based on results, it?s really difficult to give an absolute explanation as to why women mostly get this condition than men. Although, the causes of this cancer are the same in each case. It can be because of too much exposure of radiation or hereditary.

There are four main categories of thyroid cancer which are the following: papillary thyroid cancer, follicular thyroid cancer, medullary thyroid cancer, and anaplastic thyroid cancer. Each of these types has differences regarding thyroid cancer survival rate.

The most typical type of thyroid cancer is papillary thyroid cancer. Even though, this type is treatable quite easily. Based on the stages, papillary thyroid cancer survival rates range from nearly 100% to 50%. The 5-year survival rate of this type of cancer is 99%. The survival rate of stage 3 lowers down to 93% and the last stage is only 50%.

Follicular thyroid is a more critical one than papillary. The survival rate of follicular during the early stages has got the same papillary thyroid cancer survival rate. If it reaches stage 3, it is 70%. The final stage is the lowest which is 50%.

The third form of thyroid cancer is medullary which is mostly caused through hereditary. Because of the probability of affecting the lymph nodes, the normal medullary thyroid cancer survival rate is 85%. Stage 1 has the only highest survival rate but lowers down up to 80% when it gets to be stage 3. The lowest survival rate is 28%.

The 4th kind of thyroid cancer is anaplastic. This type is very common in 60 years old men and women. The survival rate of this type of thyroid cancer is the lowest. The survival rate of the first and second stages is between 90 to 80%. The stage 3 thyroid cancer survival rate is from 40 to 60%. The last stage of this type has 10% survival rate.

Whatever the type or stage of this cancer, if you might have it you should seek treatment immediately. Do not wait until it becomes malignant. Generally, thyroid cancer survival rates are either high or low. It doesn?t really matter at all. The important is to have treatment once the illness is diagnosed. The best part of all this is that there is treatment. The most famous type of treatment is surgical removal. There is also the added method of treating this cancer through chemotherapy or radiation therapy. To conclude, the overall thyroid cancer survival rate has improved.

Rebecca Waite contributes advice about Cancer together with Stage Four Stomach Cancer Survival Rate. To be aware of much more about Stage 4 Throat Cancer Survival Rate click here.

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