Thursday, January 19, 2012

Santorum hits Romney: ???Outright lies and hypocrisy??? [VIDEO] (Daily Caller)

In an appearance on Laura Ingraham?s radio show on Monday, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum went on the offensive against former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Santorum, upset over the attack ad campaign a pro-Romney political action committee is engaged in, accused Romney of lying and said that with his campaign war chest, he is managing not be held accountable for it.

?These are the kinds of outright lies and hypocrisy that Gov. Romney has engaged in not just with [former Speaker of the House] Newt Gingrich now, but with anybody who stands in his way,? Santorum said. ?You can get away with it, obviously, if you have millions of dollars to spend and you go out there and lie and people don?t hold you accountable. Well, we are.?

Host Laura Ingraham asked Santorum to clarify his ?liar? allegation, specifically if he believed Romney was indeed knowledgeable of the ads Santorum took issue with.

?Has he perpetrated lies? Yes, he has,? Santorum said. ?I?m not going to judge him as a person. I am going to judge what his actions are and his actions were not truthful.?


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Later in his appearance, Santorum called on Romney to release his tax returns.

?I don?t know why he isn?t releasing his tax returns,? Santorum said. ?I think he should. I think it is appropriate that if you are going to run for federal office that you let folks know. Particularly someone with the enormity of wealth and he keeps going out there talking about, how he has all this experience, how he?s done all these things and he understands the economy. Well, let?s see how he managed his own economy.?

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